Obesity and eating disorders How to prevent teenage
While the food habits of the teenagers in May seem to be one of the most mysterious of the complexities of the life, it really is up to the parents to try and at least to offer the most sensible and the modelling of orientation. With the concerns about the teenagers in the use of the unhealthy weights tricks and the obstinacy of losses problem of the obesity, American Academy of Pediatrics finalized an approach based on proofs to obtain our children simply well have to eat. And to be honest, the parents are to against a lot of competition - between the marketing junk food and madman's ascendancy of the unhealthy food of the floods the landscape in combination with the media and of the obsession of the thinness cultural, it is incredible to see a largest number of us do not content themselves completely short circuit. Or maybe to make for us and it is the problem.
No matter, the new guidelines make so much common sense. They can seem oversimple, but they work to build a robust pit(core) - and it is really at the heart of good habits. If we can offer to the children a frame(executive) of solid reference from which to make decisions, it is an anchor point who can last all the life.
The scientific proofs summarized in the new recommendations reveal that the parents(relatives) can adorn problems in both extremities of the weighty spectre simply by emphasizing a healthy lifestyle rather than the reduction with zero in the weight or the slimming diets.
" The scientific proofs more and more show that for the teenagers, it is to follow a slimming diet ", told by bad news Neville Golden, MD, professor of paediatrics the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Stanford and a main author of the new guidelines. The teenagers who are on a diet in ninth year may three times more than their peers to make some stoutness in 12th year, he points out. So, the teenagers need food! Calorie-comptage diets can deprive organs growing of the energy which they need and to cause(provoke) symptoms of the anorexia nervosa, even when the teenager can not seem too thin.
Five stages are recommended for all the teenagers, not only to those who can have weighty problems:
1. The parents and the doctors should not encourage slimming diets.
2. The parents should avoid of " talk weight ", such as comments on their own weight or the weight of their kid.
" The mothers who speak about their own body and about masses can, inadvertently, encourage their children to have the physical dissatisfaction, which we see in half of the teenagers and a quarter of the boys, declared Sgt Golden.
3. The parents should never tease the teenagers of their weights.
4. Families should eat regular meals together.
Family meals to protect against the weighty problems, although why behind whom is known with certainty. Golden thinks that she can be partially because the teenagers obtain to see their parents of the modelling of a healthy food(supply).
5. The parents should help their children to develop a healthy physical by encouraging them to eat a balanced diet and to exercise some physical condition, no loss of weight.
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